While lawyers and engineers often speak different languages, a productive working relationship is crucial when it comes to building effective privacy tools. Just last week Uber was fined a combined $1.17 million by British and Dutch authorities for its 2016 data breach that exposed the personal details of millions of customers. Since that breach, and prior to it as well, Uber’s privacy engineering and legal teams have been working together to build multiple tools for their privacy platform. Both teams spoke to the Cybersecurity Law Report about the program and how they partnered on these projects. In this second article of our two-part series on our conversation with Uber, we cover insights provided by these professionals about how to build bridges between engineering and legal teams, even in the absence of a shared vocabulary. The first installment looked at how Uber’s privacy team is structured, how it created and implemented its differential privacy tool, including how the tool helps with GDPR compliance. See also “How Cyber Stakeholders Can Speak the Same Language (Part One of Two),” (Jul. 20, 2016); Part Two (Aug. 3, 2016).