One key to smooth relations with law enforcement after a breach is establishing a connection before there is any trouble, John Riggi, now a managing director at BDO and the former Chief of the FBI’s Cyber Division Outreach Section, told the Cybersecurity Law Report. One way to develop that relationship is to invite the FBI to give a threat brief to the board of directors, he said. Riggi is a 30-year FBI veteran who worked on the government’s partnerships with the private sector for the investigation and exchange of information related to national security and criminal cyber threats. In our interview, he addressed how the FBI views its relationship with the private sector, the various ways companies of different sizes can take advantage of the FBI’s resources, the concerns companies may have when working with the FBI and the government’s role in the Yahoo breach. See also “Law Enforcement on Cybersecurity Matters: Corporate Friend or Foe?” Part One (Jun. 22, 2016); Part Two (Jul. 6, 2016).